Patents for the Zamolo Products; the Drinks and Teas have been filed and iN proGRess. 

About Us

The inventor of the  Zamolo recipe tells her story of how this drink came about in December 2020, at a time of considerable worry over the Covid virus and government responses to it:

“I wanted to ensure that I took care of myself and my wellbeing because I had recently become a grandmother. On reflection, I realised that I had not had any serious case of flu for the past 4-5 years. Being trained as a nurse by profession, I was fully aware of the benefits of contemporary medicine as well as health promotion and preventative measures which mostly centre around dietary habits and exercise. Prevention is indeed better than cure, because what is not prevented may eventuate into reality. I packed Zamolo with powerful natural ingredients: citrus fruits, fragrant and flavoursome plant parts, extracts from the allium vegetable family and root vegetables of the ginger and galangal family.

Strong citrus such as lemon, plants from the garlic group and ginger ingredients have been used to manage colds, coughs, flu and respiratory conditions in traditional remedies for centuries, and there is a lot of literature to support the health benefits of these plants. The global occurrence of colds, flu and sore throats and the recent Covid-19 pandemic, highlights the need for preventative health measures not limited to vaccinations but including lifestyle measures such as healthy diet and exercising.

Zamolo drink is NOT claimed to be a medicine but IS a healthy drink with health benefits because of its anti-inflammatory, probiotic and antioxidant properties. Our users agree that drinking Zamolo three times a week is beneficial in supporting general health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the use of Zamolo aligns well with the use of alternative therapies such as taking multivitamins, food supplements and other health supportive measures.

There are now NINE flavours and nutrient blends of Zamolo available:

  • Zamolo Original
  • Zamolo Apple
  • Zamolo Orange Boost
  • Zamolo Beetroot
  • Zamolo Avo (with Avocado)
  • Zamolo Chilli (Rated M – for mature drinkers only)
  • Zamolo Pawpaw
  • Zamolo Pineapple
  • Zamolo Celery

For more information, research the healthy benefits of the above fruits & vegetables.

  • Zamolo juices

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  • Zamolo juices

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Zamolo Teas

Available in SIX Unique Flavours

Made from carefully selected fruits and vegetables with no added sugar, caffeine or artificial additives, Zamolo Teas are healthy, low-calorie drinks that offer a distinct taste and aroma. Check out the all-natural flavours of Zamolo Teas.

  • Zamolo Fennel Tea
  • Zamolo Onion Tea
  • Zamolo Chilli Tea
  • Zamolo Onion & Lemon Tea
  • Zamolo Onion & Ginger Tea
  • Zamolo Original Vitamin C Booster Tea

For more information, research the healthy benefits of the above vegetables.

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The Story of Zamolo TEA

I have grown up always drinking tea. A habit I copied from my parents, who copied the habit from the early missionary settlers. There was always hot water in a flask for a cuppa since they never had the modern ways of cooking facilities we have today. Drinking tea was part of my habitual routine with less attention to health benefits and wellbeing. However, as I have grown order, my perspective about drinking tea has taken another turn. Any cup of tea that I take must have some additional ingredients, a dash of lemon peel, or a dash of cinnamon etc. I take tea not just for refreshment but to better my wellbeing. In the last 3-4 years, the additions of what I infused in a cuppa increased and varied and this led me to Zamolo tea. Fruits and vegetables constitute nutrients needed by the body to promote and prevent illness. Fruit and vegetables are full of various properties: oxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, antibacterial, antiviral anti-cancer, immune booster, and improves digestion, memory loss and skin. In this millennial age where plural infections are rampant, maximising wellbeing in slightest way, even by drinking tea goes a long way in contributing to improving one’s wellbeing. Why not Try Zamolo Tea!!!!!

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